I have lots of colleagues whom are working in Jakarta like me. We all are entitle to come back to Malaysia every once a month for few days. To most of them, these few days are for them to rest and get along with their families or bf/gf. But to me, back to Malaysia is like a Holiday trip and its more tiring compare to when Im in Jakarta.
This trip was a short trip for me, I touch down at LCCT Airport at 6pm (GMT +8), the minute i step out of the airport, I straight away call up all my frens. Ah Keong came to KL this trip all the way from his hometown so we can meet along. We planned a dinner that night. Reach home at 7pm and I quickly place my lurguage to my room and start up my car and head towards Cheras to meet them.
The dinner was a nice one, I've long for a good laugh for sometimes, these funny crazy frens of mine really made me laugh for the night. Spend the dinner with them till 10pm. Then i got a call from my colleagues, they wanted to go for Karaoke session. I rejected them at first, but they told me they were heading to the Cheras Neway and since I'm there i thought alright will join them for the night. We had a karaoke session till 4am , it wasnt a really enjoyable night, I'm just not that happy and I'm really very tiring.
The next day, after only 4 hours sleep, I woke up at 8.30am. Got myself ready and rush for a car wash since it was quite dirty d. Then headed towards Cheras for dim sum session with my frens. Went to Genting One Hub at 11am to collect Jacky's concert ticket for tomorrow. Next we went to shop for Levis, Esprit, CK, AX .... phew... I guess shopping could really make someone happier... I was so excited that i broke my promise to someone and I'm sorry. :).
After a whole evening shopping session, I went home for a rest, but I didnt have much time. After taking a shower, I head towards UE3 to fetch Edwin. We had a big plan for the night, Clubbing for the night. I seldom request frens to go clubbing, maybe because of my moody mind lately, I just thought of getting drunk all d time.. LoLz. Was planning for a 3 Litre VSOP but then the price of the Liqour was way out of our budget, so instead we took 3 bottles of 75cl VSOP. Cheaper by RM800!!! Venue was The Loft. A nice place to be. Khee Leong was kind enough to bring a lot of frens just to make my dream come true (3 litre VSOP), but then the price really out of our budget, so we end up changing our plan.
Drank a lot that night, till my headache like wanna burst. We hang out at the loft till 3am and another 1 hour at the mamak stall beside. Means I reach home at 4am ++ and slept at 5++..
Normally when frens go to drink, they are able to sleep till very late, I'm the odd one. Normally when i drink I wake up very early, today i wake up at 10am. Lazying at my house sofa while surfing the net. At 12pm a fren come to my house to discuss something SERIOUS but it SECRET :P. At 3pm, I got myself ready to go to Genting for Jacky's concert. Drove to fetch wei wei, Jane and Shervene. 4 of us reach getting at about 6pm. Had our dinner and hang around abit and we enter the concert hall at 8pm.
The show was a long one, 3 hours ++. Today was Jacky's 99th overseas concert. Luck wasn't with us that day, Jacky was sick and cannot perform at his best. But anyhow i didnt really expect a real fun concert with Jacky as most of his popular songs are those romatic songs with slow rthymn and not those hot songs. I still remember 5 years ago watching Beyond 20th anniversary concert, that was the 1st concert i watch and it was Nice cause most of beyond songs are Hot and can bring up the heat amoung all the viewers. Anyhow, It was a nice show from Jacky. We can see that he really put and effort on it.
After the show I sent Shereve, Jane, Wei Wei home. and rush myself home as I was very tiring. Not enough sleep for 2 days already. But then, Bad luck hit me again, at its hurts.. when i was on the way home, driving my beloved putra, I hit a huge hole, darn!!! .. Came down to have a look, the rim was dent. Drove home slowly and i found out it was CRACKED!! what a day.
Immediately in the morning i drove the car to the workshop as i already planned for some fixes to my car. A list of things in my mind which I'm gonna do,fix the dent and cracked rims, change new clutch, skim my brakes, replace new brake shoes, new engine mountings, fix alternator bearing, clean throttle body. Plan for whole day, but then bad Luck strike again. The fella who change my alternator bearing mess up his work and we have to wait for 4 hours for the darn thing to be fix. I actually went to the workshop at 10.30am .. and I left there at 11.30pm .. 13 hours.
I was so tiring yet I need to go all the way to setapak to meet my fren as he help me to change some rupiah for tomorrow trip back to Jakarta. Its 2Am now and I just finish taking my bath and spend my time bloging here. I can only have anohter 4 hours rest before i need to head to the airport again....
What a trip, I think the total hours spend for my sleep this trip was defenately less then 14 hours....